Diabetes Prevention Program
Apr 24, 2025 12:00pm - Apr 24, 2026 12:45pm
Open to Health Plan members only with some exclusions*
One in three U.S. adults has prediabetes — a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes. And there are often no symptoms, so you may not even know you have prediabetes until serious health issues show up. The good news is prediabetes can be prevented or delayed with lifestyle changes.
We can help with the Group Lifestyle Balance - Diabetes Prevention Program. This yearlong program is available to eligible members at no cost. The focus of the program is to help you work toward two main goals:
- Lose 5-7% of your body weight
- Increase physical activity to a minimum of 150 minutes per week
The program helps participants with:
- Lifestyle changes to help prevent diabetes and lower risk for heart disease
- Healthy eating to safely lose weight
- Slowly and safely increasing physical activity
- Problem solving and staying motived
Eligible members include those who:
- Are 18 years of age or older
- Have a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 25 kg/m2 (23 kg/m2 if Asian American)
- Don’t have a previous diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes
- Aren’t pregnant
- Have one of the following:
- Fasting glucose of 100 to 125 mg/dl
- Plasma glucose of 140-199 mg/dl measured 2hrs after a 75g glucose load
- HbA1C of 5.7 to 6.4
- A score of 5 or more on the Prediabetes Risk Test (CDC)
- A referral from a health care provider
- Diagnoses of gestational diabetes from an earlier pregnancy
This yearlong program meets virtually:
- Weekly for 3 months
- Every other week for 1 month
- Monthly for 8 months
*Medicare, Medicaid, and non-health plan members are not eligible to participate.
Sign up for the Diabetes Prevention Program